High Frequency Offerings
All of our offerings are available for private groups, with a minimum of 6 people
Embodied Men’s Retreats
We offer retreats focused on opening hearts, bringing out the wild, authentically expressed Man by opening sacred space for deep brotherhood bonding. We strengthen in relationship to masculine principles of holding safe space, aligning with our purpose, honoring our bodies as our temples, taking grounded action, living in integrity, being powerful in leadership, and unifying through healthy relating. Full embodiment means cultivating a deep relationship within the feminine principles of compassion, nurturing, creativity, sensuality, and intuition. By weaving the masculine and feminine energies we learn to stand sovereign in our power, with humility, clarity, and heart, and in doing so, cultivate deep synergistic relationships with our peers, society, mother earth, and the women in our lives.
“A single moment in the Heart is enough to know where you want to direct your energy for the rest of your life”
— Alonso Del Rio
Shamanic Journeys
We offer highly intentional plant medicine ceremonies with the focus being on cleansing our energy fields and coming into deep energetic alignment. We open sacred space for participants to be grounded and safe to go deep within and process any emotional traumas that may surface. Intentional plant medicine ceremonies can be used to heal mental illness, improve brain function and memory, reduce symptoms of depression, treat PTSD, and reduce anxiety.
Typically the first part of the journey is in silence in the dark to honor the shadow, the unseen, unprocessed energies that may be holding us back in life. The medicine greatly supports being able to step outside of our own stories and see things from an altered perspective that supports rewiring limiting beliefs into affirming ones. This is followed by prayer, song, dance, and using shamanic instruments to raise our vibrational frequency, renew our spirits, and shed any density in our field. Group ceremonies, as well as deep personal journeys, are available.
“Step into the fire of Self-discovery. This fire will not burn you, it will only burn what you are not.”
— Mooji
Sacred Fire Ceremonies
On specific cosmic dates such as solstice, equinox, and other powerful days, we open sacred ceremonies by lighting a fire to connect Heaven and Earth. We pray for the continuity of this life and nourish all the elementals, our ancestors, the spirit world, and the forces of life that support our existence with offerings, songs, and our Love. We sing we dance, we pray, we laugh and we renew our spirits by opening a portal to connect with Spirit, our ancestors, and for our prayers to be heard and honored. A sacred fire brings healing, harmony, and good health to all who participate.
“Lighting sacred fires has to do with our necessity to open a door, the mouth of spirit, the mouth of Pachamama, in order to give nourishment to the sources of life….When a fire is lit in order to sing, dance, and pray, these vibrations resonate over all of creation. The continuity of life is fed by the ceremonies that we do at the important cosmic dates-those days when all is open and aligned.”
-Arkan Lushwala, Time of the Black Jaguar