My name is Geoff, of the Larden family clan. My spiritual name is Ranin-Rawa, which was bestowed upon me during my time in the Amazon from the Shipibo tribe. It means beautiful skin of the earth, rolling thunder, and lightning.

My story is one of profound transformation. From a very young age, I struggled with a disconnection from my heart, leading me down a path of self-destruction through substance abuse and a marriage to the narcotics trade for almost two decades. The void within nearly claimed my life, until the resilient warrior within me emerged, pleading for change.

The journey to healing was difficult. I found myself at the mercy of profound depression and mental turmoil, seeking solace in psychiatry. It was in this state of vulnerability that I found strength, embarking on a spiritual quest that introduced me to meditation, yoga, and a deeper connection with nature. This path led me to found an organization dedicated to serving humanity, and most importantly, to sever ties with the drug trade once and for all.

My quest for meaning took me back to the roots of human existence and traditional ways of living. I have had the privilege of living among the Shipibo tribe in the Amazon, learning the profound wisdom of shamanic plant medicine. My travels have taken me to the sacred waters with the Kogi mammos of Colombia, to the spiritual advisors of the Incan empire with the Qeros tribe in the Andes, and across Kenya, living amongst its tribes.

Through these experiences, I have learned invaluable lessons about tribe consciousness, the importance of reciprocity, gratitude, and respect for all entities. Embracing the journey within, I've discovered that I am my own guru. I find joy in singing to the trees, playing my flute for the waters, and drumming in the Tipi with my soul family, fostering an environment of open hearts and nourished spirits.

As i opened up about my difficulties I realized I was not alone. I committed myself to aligning with my personal power and some of the most transformational experiences came in the form of men’s work. Sitting in circle with brothers, sharing authentically, being witnessed and held accountable to growth greatly aligned me with my calling of the unification of brotherhood through a movement I am co-creating called BoldxCentered.

My life among the world's oldest tribes has awakened me to the realization of how domesticated and disempowered I had felt. This revelation has inspired me to reclaim my sovereignty and to share my story, hoping it may light the way for others on their path to self-discovery and healing.